今日英语 -多媒体教程_第12部
<p>今日英语 -多媒体教程_第12部:另配有pdf电子书<br /><br />
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今日英语是一套目标贴近用户需要,最大限度利用DVD视频格式的优点,具有创新性的英语学习教程.<br />
English Today is an innovative product for English language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer.<br />
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这是一套针对匈牙利的英语版本,但是也可以被其他非匈牙利语言的用户使用,因为对话是英文的,字幕包括匈牙利文和英文两种字幕,(附带的pdf书是匈牙利文,不过也是可以被非匈牙利文的学习者使用的,因为问题和对话内容也都是英文的).<br />
It is the Hungarian Edition, but the DVD can be used by non-Hungarian speakers, too. (The instructions in the additional pdf file are in Hungarian.)<br />
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这套教程呈现出以下的新特性:<br />
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这不是一个简单的替换录像带或者cd的升级版本,也是一个全新的产品,取代传统视频教程结构----从头到尾就是一个老师指导学生学习这样一系列的单调情节。取而代之的是,情景对话加生动有趣的讲述,让英语学习简单的象看电视一样轻松.<br />
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It is not simply the next stage in the advancement from video cassettes or CD-ROM’s, but a whole new kind of product. It represents a completely new approach: instead of the typical video-lesson structure, a teacher guides the student through a series of narrative episodes arranged as in a sit-com.<br />
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当学习者在学习的时候可以使用光盘中的交互练习程序进行练习。所有这些都使用多媒体的灵活呈现给大家。<br />
There are also interactive exercises so that the user can practice what he or she has learned. All with the flexibility afforded by a multimedia product.<br />
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