<p><img src="/wp-xxx/uploads/images/202071622475736833.png"></p><p>你可能不关心生产率,但是你一定关心升职和加薪;</p><p>你可能不关心国民产出,但你一定关心资产保值和增值; </p>
<p>经济学带你理清这些疑问,给你提供多角度看待世界和解决问题的方法,让你洞悉经济社会运作的原理,助你果断权衡利益得失,快速做出正确决策,提高你的财富指数和幸福指数。 </p>
<p>1. 中英双语(音频+图文)课共180期,答疑课10期。</p>
<p>2. 60个经济法则+预判能力,抓住下一个低投入高收益的机会。</p>
<p>3. 生活中必备的经济学思维,在人生关键时刻做最好的决策。</p>
<p>000b【open letter】: A Little Economics Goes A Long Way.mp3</p>
<p>001b:You are an Actor in a Play Called _Economics_.mp3</p>
<p>001b:You are an Actor in a Play Called _Economics_.pdf</p>
<p>002b:Economics is the Science of Scarcity.mp3</p>
<p>002b:Economics is the Science of Scarcity.pdf</p>
<p>003b:How Understanding Economics Can Make You Better Shopper.mp3</p>
<p>003b:How Understanding Economics Can Make You Better Shopper.pdf</p>
<p>004b:What Determines the Price of Strawberries Sold Near the Great Wall.mp3</p>
<p>004b:What Determines the Price of Strawberries Sold Near the Great Wall.pdf</p>
<p>005b:Shifts in Supply and Demand_ A Story about the Rising Price of Shrimp.mp3</p>
<p>006b:How Can You See an Invisible Hand.mp3</p>
<p>006b:How Can You See an Invisible Hand.pdf</p>
<p>007b:No Single Person Knows How to Make a Pencil.mp3</p>
<p>007b:No Single Person Knows How to Make a Pencil.pdf</p>
<p>008b:Employers are Demand and Workers are Supply of Labor.mp3</p>
<p>008b:Employers are Demand and Workers are Supply of Labor.pdf</p>
<p>009b:Robots Will Never Replace All Human Workers, or Will They_.mp3</p>
<p>009b:Robots Will Never Replace All Human Workers, or Will They_.pdf</p>
<p>010b:Financial Markets:The Complications of Time.mp3</p>
<p>010b:Financial Markets:The Complications of Time.pdf</p>
<p>011b:Four Key Issues for Investors.mp3</p>
<p>011b:Four Key Issues for Investors.pdf</p>
<p>012b:Why Investing Is Different From the Lottery_.mp3</p>
<p>012b:Why Investing Is Different From the Lottery_.pdf</p>
<p>013b:Price Ceilings_ Trying to Help Buyers of Pharmaceuticals and Homes.mp3</p>
<p>013b:Price Ceilings_ Trying to Help Buyers of Pharmaceuticals and Homes.pdf</p>
<p>014b:Price Floors:Trying to Help Farmers and Oil Companies.mp3</p>
<p>014b:Price Floors:Trying to Help Farmers and Oil Companies.pdf</p>
<p>015b:China's First Economic Reform_ When Farm Output Exploded in Size.mp3</p>
<p>015b:China's First Economic Reform_ When Farm Output Exploded in Size.pdf</p>
<p>016b:How Does a Government Measure the Size of an Economy?.mp3</p>
<p>016b:How Does a Government Measure the Size of an Economy?.pdf</p>
<p>017b:What You Do Every Day that is Not Include in GDP.mp3</p>
<p>017b:What You Do Every Day that is Not Include in GDP.pdf</p>
<p>018b:The Amazing Story of GDP Growth in Modern China.mp3</p>
<p>018b:The Amazing Story of GDP Growth in Modern China.pdf</p>
<p>019b:Climbing a Mountain, or Remaining in the Valley.mp3</p>
<p>019b:Climbing a Mountain, or Remaining in the Valley.pdf</p>
<p>020b:Productivity _ How Workers Can Produce More Every Hour.mp3</p>
<p>020b:Productivity _ How Workers Can Produce More Every Hour.pdf</p>
<p>021b:The Challenges of Continued Economic Growth for China(1).mp3</p>
<p>021b:The Challenges of Continued Economic Growth for China(1).pdf</p>
<p>021b:The Challenges of Continued Economic Growth for China.mp3</p>
<p>021b:The Challenges of Continued Economic Growth for China.pdf</p>
<p>022b:Defining Unemployment_ In or Out of the Labor Market_.mp3</p>
<p>022b:Defining Unemployment_ In or Out of the Labor Market_.pdf</p>
<p>023b:The Three Causes of Unemployment.mp3</p>
<p>023b:The Three Causes of Unemployment.pdf</p>
<p>024b:China's Future Employment Challenge_ Fewer Workers and Better Jobs.mp3</p>
<p>024b:China's Future Employment Challenge_ Fewer Workers and Better Jobs.pdf</p>
<p>025b:How Does a Goverment Measure Inflation.mp3</p>
<p>025b:How Does a Goverment Measure Inflation.pdf</p>
<p>026a:通胀:魔鬼 or 天使 ?.mp3</p>
<p>026a:通胀:魔鬼 or 天使 ?.pdf</p>
<p>026b:Is Inflation Sand or Grease in the Gears of the Economy.mp3</p>
<p>026b:Is Inflation Sand or Grease in the Gears of the Economy.pdf</p>
<p>027b:You Can Be an Inflation winner or a Loser.mp3</p>
<p>027b:You Can Be an Inflation winner or a Loser.pdf</p>
<p>028b:The Definition of Money is in The Purposes of Money.mp3</p>
<p>028b:The Definition of Money is in The Purposes of Money.pdf</p>
<p>029b:The Ralationship of Banks,Loans and Money.mp3</p>
<p>029b:The Ralationship of Banks,Loans and Money.pdf</p>
<p>030b:The Dangers of a Bank Run and Financial Instability.mp3</p>
<p>030b:The Dangers of a Bank Run and Financial Instability.pdf</p>
<p>031b:The Main Mask of Central Banks around the World.mp3</p>
<p>031b:The Main Mask of Central Banks around the World.pdf</p>
<p>032b:How Does a Central Bank Operate Monetary Policy_.mp3</p>
<p>032b:How Does a Central Bank Operate Monetary Policy_.pdf</p>
<p>033b:Is a Central Bank Like a Judgr, or Just Another Part of Government?.mp3</p>
<p>033b:Is a Central Bank Like a Judgr, or Just Another Part of Government?.pdf</p>
<p>034b:Are You a Winner or Loser When Exchange Rates.mp3</p>
<p>034b:Are You a Winner or Loser When Exchange Rates.pdf</p>
<p>035b:Factors for Exchange Rate.mp3</p>
<p>035b:Factors for Exchange Rate.pdf</p>
<p>036b:The Great Exchange Rate Debate.mp3</p>
<p>036b:The Great Exchange Rate Debate.pdf</p>
<p>037b:When is the Lender of Last Resort Needed.mp3</p>
<p>037b:When is the Lender of Last Resort Needed.pdf</p>
<p>038b:Why Banks are Tempted to Take Excessive Risks.mp3</p>
<p>038b:Why Banks are Tempted to Take Excessive Risks.pdf</p>
<p>040b:The Short-Term Benefits and Long-Term Risk of a Housing Boom.mp3</p>
<p>040b:The Short-Term Benefits and Long-Term Risk of a Housing Boom.pdf</p>
<p>041b:What Factors Affect Real Estate Prices.mp3</p>
<p>041b:What Factors Affect Real Estate Prices.pdf</p>
<p>042b:The Price Boom in China's Housing Market.mp3</p>
<p>042b:The Price Boom in China's Housing Market.pdf</p>
<p>043b:Government Spending:Patterns Around the World.mp3</p>
<p>043b:Government Spending:Patterns Around the World.pdf</p>
<p>044b:Government Spending:Patterns Around the World.mp3</p>
<p>044b:Government Spending:Patterns Around the World.pdf</p>
<p>045b:Why Your Family Budget and a Government Budget Are Not Alike.mp3</p>
<p>045b:Why Your Family Budget and a Government Budget Are Not Alike.pdf</p>
<p>046b:Short-Run and Long-Run Tradeoffs of Government Borrowing.mp3</p>
<p>046b:Short-Run and Long-Run Tradeoffs of Government Borrowing.pdf</p>
<p>047b:The Role of Government Investment in Long-Term Growth.mp3</p>
<p>047b:The Role of Government Investment in Long-Term Growth.pdf</p>
<p>048b:A Worldwide Boom in Government Borrowing:Will It Come toChina?.mp3</p>
<p>048b:A Worldwide Boom in Government Borrowing:Will It Come toChina?.pdf</p>
<p>049b:Why International Trade Has the Potential to Benefit All Country.mp3</p>
<p>049b:Why International Trade Has the Potential to Benefit All Country.pdf</p>
<p>050b:How Trade Mixes Costs and Benefits Within a Country.mp3</p>
<p>050b:How Trade Mixes Costs and Benefits Within a Country.pdf</p>
<p>051b:Global Supply Chains and the Evolving Role of China.mp3</p>
<p>051b:Global Supply Chains and the Evolving Role of China.pdf</p>
<p>052b:How Consumers Pay and Businesses Benefit From Protectionism.mp3</p>
<p>052b:How Consumers Pay and Businesses Benefit From Protectionism.pdf</p>
<p>053b:reasons for protectionism.mp3</p>
<p>053b:reasons for protectionism.pdf</p>
<p>054b:failures succcesses protectionism.mp3</p>
<p>054b:failures succcesses protectionism.pdf</p>
<p>055b:balance of trade.mp3</p>
<p>055b:balance of trade.pdf</p>
<p>056b:The Story of The US-China balance of Trade.pdf</p>
<p>056b:The Story of The US-China balance of Trade.mp3</p>
<p>057b:The World Is Watching China's Belt and Road Initiative——why.mp3</p>
<p>057b:The World Is Watching China's Belt and Road Initiative——why.pdf</p>
<p>058b:trade finance mirror image.mp3</p>
<p>058b:trade finance mirror image.pdf</p>
<p>059b:Three Kinds International Investment.mp3</p>
<p>059b:Three Kinds International Investment.pdf</p>
<p>060b:The dangers of a Sudden Stop in International Capital Flows.mp3</p>
<p>060b:The dangers of a Sudden Stop in International Capital Flows.pdf</p>
<p>061b:world trade organization.mp3</p>
<p>061b:world trade organization.pdf</p>
<p>062b:The Noodle Bowl of a Regional Trade Agreements.mp3</p>
<p>062b:The Noodle Bowl of a Regional Trade Agreements.pdf</p>
<p>063b:Trade War.mp3</p>
<p>063b:Trade War.pdf</p>
<p>064b:Perfect Competition:an Economy of Small Producers and Identical Products.mp3</p>
<p>064b:Perfect Competition:an Economy of Small Producers and Identical Products.pdf</p>
<p>065b:Monopolistic Competition:Small Producers,Distinctive Products.mp3</p>
<p>065b:Monopolistic Competition:Small Producers,Distinctive Products.pdf</p>
<p>066b:twenty kinds of beer.mp3</p>
<p>066b:twenty kinds of beer.pdf</p>
<p>067b :monopoly oligopoly.mp3</p>
<p>067b :monopoly oligopoly.pdf</p>
<p>068b:How Can Goverment React When Firms are not Competing.mp3</p>
<p>068b:How Can Goverment React When Firms are not Competing.pdf</p>
<p>069b:Why Do a Few Large Companies Dominate the.mp3</p>
<p>069b:Why Do a Few Large Companies Dominate the.pdf</p>
<p>070b:Who Oversees Non-state Compaines.mp3</p>
<p>070b:Who Oversees Non-state Compaines.pdf</p>
<p>071b:Do State-owned Companies Have Different Goals.mp3</p>
<p>071b:Do State-owned Companies Have Different Goals.pdf</p>
<p>072b:Is the Private Sector the Emperor of the Economy.mp3</p>
<p>072b:Is the Private Sector the Emperor of the Economy.pdf</p>
<p>073b:What Happens When Pollution Has a Price of Zero.mp3</p>
<p>073b:What Happens When Pollution Has a Price of Zero.pdf</p>
<p>074b:A Menu of Anti-Pollution Policies.mp3</p>
<p>074b:A Menu of Anti-Pollution Policies.pdf</p>
<p>075b:What are Some Dangers of Climate Change.mp3</p>
<p>075b:What are Some Dangers of Climate Change.pdf</p>
<p>076b:The Copying Problem:Why Markets May Not Offer Enough Reward for Technology.mp3</p>
<p>076b:The Copying Problem:Why Markets May Not Offer Enough Reward for Technology.pdf</p>
<p>077bA Menu of Pro-Technology Policies.mp3</p>
<p>077bA Menu of Pro-Technology Policies.pdf</p>
<p>078b:China's Technology Agenda.mp3</p>
<p>078b:China's Technology Agenda.pdf</p>
<p>079bPoverty Lines Around the World.mp3</p>
<p>079bPoverty Lines Around the World.pdf</p>
<p>080bThe Difference Between Poverty and Inequality.mp3</p>
<p>080bThe Difference Between Poverty and Inequality.pdf</p>
<p>081b:China is winning the battle against poverty but.mp3</p>
<p>081b:China is winning the battle against poverty but.pdf</p>
<p>082bLevels of Inequality around the World.mp3</p>
<p>082bLevels of Inequality around the World.pdf</p>
<p> </p>
<div> </div><p style="border-top: 1px dotted #d9d9d9;margin: 25px 0"></p>